Schools in Sweden

Staffangymnasiet is a local organization for Upper Secondary School in the city of Söderhamn. The Upper secondary school is organized in three sectors, and there are altogether around 800 students and 110 persons in the staff. The students studying in 11 programmes, 5 preparing for higher studies and 6 for vocational training. The school has around 45 classes in total, 15 per level. The social studies program focuses on sustainability and both the technical and the electrical program has a focus in the curriculum on sustainability.

Regarding the overall operational schedule of the school:

  • The operating hours of Staffangymnasiet are between 6am and 6pm, five days per week, Monday to Friday.
  • Students use the building for 176 days per year, August to June, while teachers for 194 days per year, August to June. Administration staff work year round, 225 days/person and most of them are on vacation in July.
  • The cleaning staff start their work at 6am and works until 3pm. Some of the administrative staff and janitors start at 7am and end the day at 6pm. Teachers and students start their classes at 7:45am and will have classes until 5pm. The cafeteria is open between 7am and 3pm every school day.
  • The municipality’s ICT group for primary and lower secondary school have their office and one education room in our school.
  • The front door is open between 7am to 4:30pm, every school day. The school building closes at 9pm.

The part of the building that is used in the project is the science building containing laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology and design (CAD). There are two laboratories for each subject, except for design that only has one room. There are two ordinary classrooms in the building and two staff rooms. There are rooms connected to the laboratories for preparations and smaller rooms for students when they work with group-based tasks, or study by themselves during gaps in the schedule. The Swedish school year starts for the teachers in the middle of August and for the students one week later. There is a one-week holiday in October and two weeks during Christmas. During the spring period there are two holidays, one in February and one during Easter, one week each.  The school year ends in middle of June, for both the students and teachers.

For this school, due to the fact that it has a number of technical classes, the consortium selected the option of utilizing the GaiaPi hardware, which was assembled by the students of the high school themselves, as part of their technological curriculum, in addition to the rest of the GAIA educational content to be used. The school has purchased the respective component parts to complete the assembly, along with the students using 3D printers to build enclosures for the nodes. The GaiaPi nodes are used in conjunction with the existing BMS (Building Management System) and respective hardware that exists in the building. The GaiaPi nodes offer a detailed view on the environmental conditions inside the classrooms of the building.

This work was supported by the European Commission and the EASME, under the H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA call and contract number 696029.

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