Trials begin in Söderhamn

Trials begin in Söderhamn
Trials begin in Söderhamn


Over the last couple of weeks high school students at Staffangymnasiet in Söderhamn, Sweden have begun testing the educational serious game that has been created for the GAIA project. About 25 students that are in the lines of Technology and Natural Sciences have played the GAIA Challenge and will test the GAIA #ScavengerHunt. Their feedback will provide important information as we complete the full versions of both games prior to the pilots that will take place in not only Sweden, but also Greece and Italy during the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.


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The initial feedback has been positive. The students’ physics teacher and project partner, Joakim Gunneriusson stated, “My student thought the game was fun and educational.”


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This work was supported by the European Commission and the EASME, under the H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA call and contract number 696029.

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